Because we don’t become invisible when we reach a certain age! In fact, many of us begin to question our lives and the way things are. This is the women-centred post-menopausal podcast where where women share their stories, experts and specialists share information and knowledge about health, wellbeing, finances, style, diets, and relationships, and where we also look into the unique challenges that older women face in society, because we don’t just disappear when you get to midlife! We’ll be discussing things like the demonisation of older women, the feeling of being invisible, redefining yourself, creating a life that makes you want to leap out of bed in the morning, and the stigma of ageing. I’m so excited to share this with you all, thanks for being part of this journey with me. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and share the podcast. 💕 www.lifeaftermenopause.net

Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Why it's crucial to process our negative emotions with Dr Marny Lishman
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Wednesday Feb 21, 2024
Dr Marny Lishman is a psychologist who joins me this episode to talk about adaptability, wellbeing and change. After the last couple of years, many of us have become more stressed, unhappy, and ultimately mentally unwell. And unfortunately, we have been grown up without being taught to properly process negative emotions, leaving us overwhelmed, and triggered at any moment.
Join us in this episode to talk about mental health and how you can best identify and express your emotions.

Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Suzanne Storrie: Creating a Routine for Focus and Goal Achievement
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Wednesday Feb 14, 2024
Key Takeaways:
- How to establish a daily routine, like the "Sphere of Silence," to enhance focus
- How embracing change is pivotal for personal growth and developing self-reliance.
- Learn how to prioritise tasks to maintain a balance between work, family, and self-care.
- Why Suzzane transitioned into farming, offsetting the demands of her previous corporate roles.
- Why transition periods offer unique opportunities for re-alignment with personal values and setting new goals.
We all want to see that we're making progress... the research says you're 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write your goals down.
0:00 - Introduction
0:01:11 - Dwelling on past mistakes and regrets
0:04:12 - Letting go of anger, sadness, and bitterness
0:07:08 - Learning to detach and focus on the present
0:08:40 - Handing over responsibilities and seeking support
0:11:03 - Redefining the mother-daughter relationship in a business context
0:14:38 - Overcoming self-indulgence and sharing personal experiences
0:18:12 - Dealing with unhappiness in a relationship without a major reason

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
The Guilt and Grief of Midlife
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Wednesday Feb 07, 2024
Midlife comes with a whole heap of angst, worries, concerns, confronting changes, all of it. In this episode, I take a look at how to handle all the changes that are going on without losing your mind (too much!)
Find out more here: lifeaftermenopause.net/ep228

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Fake Forgiveness, Passive Aggression and Why Being Grateful Suppresses Women’s Power
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Wednesday Jan 31, 2024
Key Takeaways:
- How gratitude can occasionally create feelings of powerlessness contrasting with the empowering effect of appreciation.
- The association of gratitude with dependency may be linked to the patriarchy and the suppression of women's power.
- How appreciation allows us to take ownership of our creations, providing a more empowering perspective.
- The consequences of "fake forgiveness" and passive-aggressive behavior
"Fake it till you make it. I don't like that. To me, it's dishonest."
03:12 - Differentiating between gratitude and appreciation
06:44 - Exploring the potential connection between gratitude and the patriarchy
09:51 - Challenging societal expectations of gratitude and appreciation
12:03 - Criticising the insincerity of some expressions of forgiveness and gratitude
15:16 - The importance of being true to oneself
19:07 - Triggering experiences and self-reflection
20:51 - Drawing the line and sending a message to the universe

Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Wednesday Jan 24, 2024
Dr. Ivana Matic Stanson is a perimenopausal health specialist, she also provides one-on-one consultations, group appointments, and online coaching to help women navigate the challenges of perimenopause and transition to a healthier and happier stage of life.
Key Takeaways:
- Why does perimenopause demand a holistic approach
- What are the factors that can contribute to the severity and duration of perimenopausal symptoms
- How mindfulness and reflection can help women navigate the challenges of perimenopause
- Why understanding the physiological changes happening in the body during perimenopause is crucial for women to make informed decisions
- "Perimenopausal health is about addressing all possible angles because we are such complex beings." - Dr. Ivana Matic Stanson
01:25 - Dr. Ivana Matic Stanson's approach to holistic perimenopausal health
07:28 - Importance of community and sense of belonging in healthcare
12:02 - Perimenopausal symptoms and the importance of lifestyle and stress management
19:42 - Slowing down, reflecting, and finding a new way of being
25:28 - Understanding the physiology of the body is crucial for managing symptoms.
30:39 - Adjusting eating habits and self-care is necessary during menopause.
36:56 - Transitioning to perimenopause in a healthy and informed way
37:23 - Conclusion and closing remarks

Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Lyndal Stellenberg: Overcoming Body Image Issues, and Embracing Summer
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
- How finding the right swimwear that takes away that anxiety can help women enjoy summer activities without self-consciousness.
- Why women should embrace their bodies and share their stories.
- How social media can have a negative impact on body image
- How to build confidence and overcoming your inner critic.
- Lindell's challenges and successes encountered in establishing a Es Una
- "Finding swimwear that takes away the anxiety many women feel about their bodies allows them to enjoy summer activities without self-consciousness." - Lyndal Stellenberg
03:40 The inspiration behind Lyndal's swimwear designs
05:38 The impact of social media on body confidence
12:23 The importance of courage and confidence to enjoy summer activities
15:34 Overcoming inner critic through research and planning
17:44 Building confidence by taking on challenges
19:32 Lyndal's journey into fashion design
24:29 Addressing individual body issues and finding solutions

Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Key Takeaways:
- How to trust your intuition
- Why sharing personal experiences allows for connection and validation.
- How to recognise the people you tolerate in your life and evaluate if they are toxic.
- Discovering your untapped potential - why it matters
- Empowerment and coping strategies in menopause women
"I am thoroughly postmenopausal and very glad for it. I cannot tell you how nice it is to be post menopause because there's just so many more things available."
00:31 - Transition to focusing on life after menopause and personal experiences
04:45 - Recap of the past year, including separation, house sale, and podcasting business
05:26 - Difficulty in ending relationships with people who are "just okay"
06:37 - Negative impact of marketing relationship on podcast downloads and business
09:14 - Realisation that many "tolerated" people are toxic narcissists
10:26 - Frustration with people who don't learn from feedback
12:06 - Importance of sharing experiences and validating others' feelings

Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
The most dramatic year of my life: Turning 60, Separation, Moving House
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Key Takeaways:
- Why finding a singular purpose in life can be challenging, and it's okay to have multiple purposes and goals.
- How goals can feel restrictive, and how focusing on outcomes and experiences can provide more freedom and possibilities.
- The importance of prioritising one's own wants and needs instead of solely focusing on others.
- How society's expectations and gender roles can limit personal growth and fulfillment.
- How taking action and addressing discomfort can lead to personal growth and a more authentic life.
"I don't have a single purpose in life, a single goal that I want to achieve, a single thing that I'm going to do and make it my life's meaning."
03:37 - The limitations of setting goals and finding meaning
08:17 - Exploring the idea of spending time apart in a long-term relationship
13:26 - The difficulty of making the decision to separate
18:07 - Taking action and embracing uncertainty is perceived as unusual
24:11 - Gender differences are mostly a result of societal training
27:49 - Children's response to bullying is ostracising the bully.
33:05 - Tolerating inappropriate behavior as a woman.
35:52 - Realisation of tolerating discomfort and danger in life.
39:14 - Feeling the cognitive dissonance of being a woman in patriarchy.

Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
The Best of 2023: Menopause, Toxic Relationships, Essential Oils and more!
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Key Takeaways:
- How aromatherapy can be helpful for managing menopause symptoms, hormone levels and sensitivities.
- How recognising and understanding patterns of behavior can help break negative cycles and promote personal growth.
- Coping with Trauma from both major events and smaller, cumulative experiences, often leading to addictive behaviors.
- Managing stress and promoting mental well-being through exercise and meditation
- Why Gaslighting Awareness is vital in preserving one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.
- "Menopause is not a Xanax deficiency. It's about supporting our bodies and finding ways to alleviate symptoms." - Lisa Baker
07:41 - The risks and benefits of ingesting essential oils with aromatherapist Amy Anthony
12:03 - How Lisa Baker helps women through the menopause period
15:25 - Reclaiming agency over body and health choices
17:14 - Fear of expressing ourselves and being accepted
20:43 - Dealing with fragility, anxiety, and uncertainty
25:00 - Importance of guidelines for letting go of stress and trauma.
27:22 - Breaking negative relationship patterns through therapy and self-awareness.
30:51 - Coping with toxic behavior by focusing on meditation and exercise.
35:24 - Differentiating between extreme gaslighting and normal relationship dynamics.

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
The Shocking Truth Behind Your Menopausal Weight Gain with Sylvia North
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
What is insulin resistance?
Insulin resistance occurs when cells become less efficient at using different types of fuels, such as glucose and fat.
Key Takeaways:
- How insulin resistance induces metabolic alterations, elevates the risk of chronic diseases and affects the body's ability to use glucose and fat efficiently, resulting in weight gain and difficulty losing weight.
- The importance of adequate protein intake during menopause to support muscle and bone health.
- Why balanced meals and snacks are essential for stable blood sugar levels
- Factors contributing to insulin resistance and metabolic health
- Recommended diet and holistic approaches to maintaining metabolic health during menopause
- And insulin is a storage hormone, it's a growth hormone. It also makes you hungry.
01:12 - Hidden impacts of perimenopause and menopause
03:24 - Insulin resistance and its effects on the body
09:00 - Impact of high carb diet on brain fog
11:15 - Managing blood sugar during perimenopause
16:52 - Good nutrition during perimenopause
22:29 - Use hand size as a guide for protein portion sizes
24:21 - Importance of getting enough protein in meals
26:38 - Considerations for intermittent fasting and protein intake
30:11 - Strategies for weight loss and improving metabolic flexibility
36:35 - The best diet and reducing hunger cravings